In a time where supply chain issues still plague the rental equipment industry, rental companies should think about ways to increase the longevity of their fleets. Implementing methods to keep equipment running longer can help save on downtime, labor costs and, ultimately, the bottom line for rental companies and their customers.

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In a time where supply chain issues still plague the rental equipment industry, rental companies should think about ways to increase the longevity of their fleets.
Implementing methods to keep equipment running longer can help save on downtime, labor costs and, ultimately, the bottom line for rental companies and their customers.
Below is a checklist of ways to do just that.
Perform Regular Maintenance
“Regular maintenance helps retain equipment resale value and keeps equipment compliant with ANSI regulations. Regular equipment maintenance and inspections can add years to equipment longevity and maintain equipment resale value,” says Bret Kasubke, Director of Customer Equipment Solutions, United Rentals.
Check List
- For gas-powered equipment, schedule inspections and regularly change out oil, lubricants, air filters and spark plugs.
- Stay on top of blade sharpening where applicable.
- Ensure areas of the equipment that need grease are getting greased.
- Go through consistent inspections to ensure equipment is clean.
- Visually check for any cracks or excessive wear, as this type of damage can quickly turn into a bigger problem.
- Equipment maintenance should be done on at least a quarterly basis.

“The average life of most construction equipment is 10,000 hours. We recommend preventive maintenance every 90 days since properly maintained equipment reduces wear and tear on parts, keeps the workforce safe, helps prevent downtime and helps extend equipment life,” says Kasubke.

Use Software to Keep Track of Scheduling
“We’re really seeing a lot of companies move off of pen and paper and onto software platforms. What’s inspired that to become more popular is the advancement of technology and people’s comfort with technology. It has changed all of us in our personal lives, and we have had to get more comfortable with using different types of technology. That goes hand in hand with an influx of data. There’s so much data now, and it’s nearly impossible to manage all of that in your head or really just in spreadsheets,” says Ashlee Biggs, Head of Product Marketing, Fleetio.
- Find a scheduling tool that allows you to keep track of maintenance intervals and that alerts users when maintenance is required.
- Many software offerings allow users to get diagnostic readings from the vehicle remotely.
- Incorporate a software that helps end users interpret the data that’s recorded to help understand trends and upcoming maintenance needs.
- Look for a software that allows employees to communicate via mobile devices with the fleet manager so they’re able to track work orders and maintenance requests.
Communicate with Suppliers and Customers
- Communicate with equipment suppliers to alert them of equipment or replacement parts you will need in the near future.
- Let your own customers know whether there will be delays on certain pieces of equipment or parts.
- Encourage customers to relay any maintenance issues they encountered while using equipment on jobsites.
Keep Track of Inventory
- Start thinking about inventory and understanding when certain pieces of equipment are typically flipped.
- Consider what types of equipment you would need to order when planning to replace outdated equipment based on your customers’ upcoming needs.
“There are some maintenance pieces that fall by the wayside, but be more diligent on those things that didn’t seem as critical before. You want to get your money’s worth, and these are not cheap pieces of equipment so make sure you’re taking care of that investment, and it will serve you well,” says CJ Wam, Senior Director of Marketing, Turf & Consumer Products Group, Briggs & Stratton.

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